Readers’ Advisor Profile: Katy

As far back as my memory goes, I have been reading books. I don’t remember a time in my life where books weren’t a part of it. I thank my parents for instilling a love in reading in me from a very young age. Some of my favorite childhood memories are spending evenings with my mom reading the Harry Potter series together. It was our time together which made the books even more special. I grew up going to the Oak Lawn Library and it was one of my favorite places to visit. I loved participating in the summer reading programs and getting prizes for doing something that I enjoyed.
As an adult, I still love reading. I went to school to be an English teacher so that I could help my students foster a love for reading too. I make sure to always have a variety of books in my classroom library and I plan independent reading time in my lessons so that students have several opportunities to read books that they enjoy. If I could spend my entire class talking to my students about books, I would be the happiest teacher ever! I always have a book either in my purse or downloaded on my phone so that I never get stuck somewhere without the opportunity to read. There is nothing I love more than cozying up on the couch and getting lost in a good book!
Where You Can Find Me in the Library: in the Teen Room!
Where Else You Can Find Me: at school, snuggled up on my couch, spending time with my family, walking around the neighborhood, hanging out in my backyard
Hobbies (that aren’t reading): binge-watching shows on TV, traveling the world, working on puzzles, baking, learning how to sew, bike riding
My favorite genres to read: YA fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, mysteries, thrillers
What I don’t read: horror, westerns, biographies, fantasy, manga
See all of Katy’s posts here.