Best Books of the Year

My Favorite Books of 2021

Every year I keep striving to read more and more books. This year I definitely went way passed my original goal that I had set. Being in reading competitions, listening to more audiobooks, and overall trying to spend more time reading has contributed to this...

My Favorite Books of 2021

[bookshelf id="13804"]The Nature of Fragile Things by Susan MeissnerMeissner does a great job of writing a captivating book set against the backdrop of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Although a devastating disaster, the earthquake actually seems a more minor part...

My Favorite Reads of 2021

[bookshelf id="14053"]The Camelot Rising trilogy by Kiersten White  Is this cheating? I don’t care. I LOVE Kiersten White, but especially when writing historical fantasy about kick-butt girls. I’m sure some people think Arthuriana can be boring, like how many times...

Best Reads of 2021 – Ola

There was once a time in my life where I was able to read 100 books in one year. This was not that year. But, as of this moment, I did read 34! And that’s a win, too. When I sat down to write this list, I already knew which ones I was going to pick…and then I finished...

My Favorite Reads of 2021 — Ang

For the first time in a looooong time it seems like I read fewer romance novels than in past years. This is going to get slightly in the weeds, but romance publishing has seen a little bit of a change recently, with almost all contemporary romances (and quite a few...

My Favorite Reads 2020/21

In the midst of the pandemic, I found that I struggled with reading heavy, serious books. It was very hard to focus on a story when so much was happening in the world around us. Much of my list features heartwarming reads because they were what I could manage to use...

My Favorite Books and Series of 2020

Romance and Fiction Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston-The president's son and the prince of England fall in love! So cute! I also loved that the president is a women. Boyfriend Material by Alexis J. Hall- Fake relationship turns real. I loved how much they...

My Favorite Reads in 2020

On par for everything 2020, my reading journey was far from what I envisioned it would be. I started off 2020 strong- I was reading more than I usually would during the school year/winter months all while working a new second job at the library and doing normal life...

My top 20 of 2020

My top 20 of 2020   Hoo buddy, 2020 was some kind of year. Putting this list together was fairly challenging, not because I didn’t read a lot in 2020, but because I no longer have a functioning concept of time and couldn’t remember what I read last year versus...

My fave reads, 2020

I don’t know where to start with talking about reading in the year 2020. I had a brilliant start. I was absolutely ripping through books. And then. The world ground to a halt, and so did my brain. I think some people found that the pandemic made for good reading,...